Best Practices To Planning Travel Tours For Students
Inspiring Educators, Igniting Minds
Best practices for planning an educational trip or music performance student trips

Best Practices For Planning An Educational Trip

Introduction: Enhancing Curriculum with Student Travel

A student trip is an experiential learning opportunity that occurs beyond the traditional classroom setting. Participants engage in educational programs or music performances, while also forging new connections and building relationships. This offers a rich learning opportunity for both students and educators.

Student trips often take place during school hours and during the school year.​

In many cases, trips are tied to a curriculum. They can be related to teaching music, geography, history, science, or any other subject area.

The quality of a student trip will depend on how well it meets the needs of the school teachers and its participants.

Students love it because it offers a break from the classroom and a chance to explore beyond the classroom walls.

Although trips are usually associated with education, they can also be used as a form of entertainment. The best school student trips are a combination of both, education and entertainment.

Lots of questions go through your mind and you probably don’t know where to start.

Don’t worry, I’m here to help.

The purpose of this article is to provide some helpful tips for teachers on planning an educational trip and how they can make their trips a reality and more purposeful.

Please note that your school may have other requirements or steps than the ones listed here.

Essential Components for Successful Travel Tours For Students

Student trips have been a staple of education for decades. But what does it take to make a successful one?

To start, you need to know that it takes time and effort to put in a student group trip. I recommend starting as early as possible – at least 8-12 months early.

Because it takes some effort, be sure this is something you are willing to commit to and have the time needed in order to make it real. You may do everything by yourself or save time by contacting a school travel company specializing in tours for students

Successful student trips will not only teach students about the subject at hand but also have a lasting impact on their lives.

It should be well-planned and organized, offer an authentic experience, have a sense of safety, be hands-on, and offer ample opportunity for discovery.

Planning an educational trip or travel tours for students

​​Making a lasting impression on students and grappling with their curiosity are also essential components.

Here are some best practices for planning an educational trip and getting your student trip approved.

Ready? Let’s get to it!

How to Plan Successful Travel Tours For Students From Start to Finish

If your school has ever submitted a student group trip for approval and has been denied, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. Although sometimes you may feel like giving up, you will finally get approved and it’s such an amazing feeling.

To start, how about a bit of help from your fellow workers?

First, get some answers to your questions. Whether you do your own research or contact an education travel agency, it will help you in getting the support you need from fellow teachers.​

You may initially encounter some negativism since everyone may not share your enthusiasm. Getting the support you need may seem daunting but it does not need to be.

The more teachers join your cause, the better your chance of getting the trip approved.

Define what part your fellow teachers will play. You will find some are interested in fundraising while others would enjoy being a chaperone. Take all the help you can get.

Before presenting your travel idea to administrators, see if other teachers have had the experience of approving any school activity. This will give you a feel for the approval process and what it will take.

If possible, complete any paperwork you need before your meeting.

Best tips to planning an educational trip. Fun is not the main objective of educational student travel tours.

Consider These Other Tips When Planning An Educational Trip

FIRST: Travel tours for students should have intentionality, which means they will be designed to have educational value.

​Although there will be some fun, it’s not the main objective of your trip.

Teachers must plan ahead to create a meaningful experience for themselves and their students.

One of the most important things for students’ development is their life experience. For such reason, student trips are an excellent way to introduce students to new things, learn about the world around them, and learn social skills.

The goal is to take students out of their normal learning environment and instead explore a new environment with their teachers and other educators.

SECOND: Planning an educational trip involves communicating with the students and making sure that everyone, including chaperones, has an understanding of the itinerary and what will happen every day of the trip.

THIRD: Group discussions with parents and faculty on what students will learn during the student trip are extremely important. Emphasis should be on how it relates back to the student’s life experiences, careers, or other interests and how it pertains back to the topic.

Teachers can arrange for educational tours for students to visit different attractions, and organizations, and even participate in educational programs.

If you have a student music performing group, then student music travel performance tours and workshops related to the topic can be coordinated. 🎵🎵🎵​

Students benefit from trips by gaining a greater understanding of how what they’re learning in class translates into the real world. Furthermore, it keeps students motivated to learn or join your class.

Identify what’s your trip’s ideal base

Before you begin your research it’s important to assess the resources you currently possess and identify any additional resources you’ll require. This will serve as your foundation.

Consider the following questions:

  1. How much time do you have to travel?
  2. Are you flying or taking a motorcoach?
  3. Do you want to stay in a central location?
  4. How many chaperones will I need to travel with?
  5. How far are you willing to travel?
  6. How many nights do you need to stay?
  7. What budget do I want?
Before you begin your research it’s important to assess the resources you currently possess and identify any additional resources you'll require.

Do your research

So let’s look at more best practices for planning an educational trip and getting your student group trip approved.

The first step is to plan ahead. Planning ahead means getting all of the information you’ll need so that your end goal is achievable.

Now, I know what’s your main concern. How much is it going to cost?

Well, that depends on several factors such as the number of students participating in the trip, the number of days your group is traveling, your destination, and most importantly your trip components.

📌 You need to be realistic. Your trip must fit within a budget that you believe is feasible for both the students and their families.

That is why researching is one of the most time-consuming and tedious tasks. It can take days to do research online.

Whether you’re looking for an educational experience or, if you are a music teacher,  suitable student travel performance tours or workshops for your class, your research should align with your educational objectives.

Other components you will need to research include hotel accommodations, transportation, and meals. You may also want to include some fun activities for your students as this will increase their interest.

Once you have those components and a per-person price, it is ideal to create a temporary itinerary to present with your trip approval request.

Here is What You’ll Need Next For Your Student Trips

After you’ve done your research and before you submit your application for school approval, here are just SOME of the documents you will need.

A complete itinerary for the trip, including:

  • Travel dates. Pick at least three that do not interfere with other school activities.
  • Trip cost estimates
  • Destinations you would like to visit
  • How will the trip be of value to the students?
  • An itinerary of activities
  • Overnight hotel accommodations
  • Transportation
  • A list of all the participating students in the group

You’ll also need to ensure the following:

  • A checklist of the trip details
  • An explanation of how the field trip will benefit the students. You will need to make sure that the trip has a clearly communicated goal. Get as specific as possible.

Get your approval

Getting a school trip approved goes through a process that involves many people. The first step is to make sure the activity is approved by the principal and school administration.

You will need to gather the parents and talk about your trip including how much it will cost and their willingness to contribute financially.

Here are some suggestions that can help get a school trip approved:

  1. Talk to the administrators about what the purpose of the trip is and how it will benefit their student’s experience at school.
  2. Talk to other parents who have been on a similar trip to find out what did and what didn’t work well for them.
  3. Show evidence of how much time will be spent on this project. Remember, planning travel tours for students will take several months.

Get the Funding

Have you ever wanted to sponsor a school activity, but didn’t get the funding?  It’s certainly a challenging endeavor that requires time and effort.

Funding is a major concern for schools in terms of going on school trips. It can be expensive.

Fortunately, there are some ways for students to fundraise for their school trips.

These may include fundraising with the help of parents and family members, getting sponsorships or foundation grants, or applying for sponsorships.

Schools that want to have a successful school trip should have a clear plan for how the trip will be funded. It is important to make sure that the students are not paying for it themselves.

Parents should be aware of what they can do when funding becomes an issue, as their involvement can be pivotal in overcoming financial obstacles.  Engaging parents in the fundraising process not only helps raise necessary funds but also fosters a sense of community and collaboration within the school.


Once all has been planned out, it is time for fun! Undoubtedly, one of the best reasons to celebrate going on a trip is that they have been shown to increase student’s knowledge about the world around them and their academic performance in general.

Travel experiences provide unique opportunities for hands-on learning that can’t be replicated in a classroom. Whether it’s a music performance or workshop, exploring historical landmarks, engaging with diverse cultures, or navigating new environments, each adventure contributes to a deeper understanding of global perspectives.

Moreover, trips can foster teamwork and collaboration among students. Working together to plan itineraries, manage budgets, and overcome challenges during travel cultivates essential life skills such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. These experiences not only enhance academic knowledge but also build lasting friendships and memories.

So as the plans come together and excitement builds, it’s important to remember that the journey is just as significant as the destination. With every new experience, students not only expand their horizons but also create a foundation for lifelong learning and adventure.

Final Thoughts On Planning An Educational Trip

In conclusion, travel tours for students are an excellent way to make learning fun and memorable for students of all ages. They’re a great way for students to learn in a hands-on, interactive environment that reinforces what they’ve been learning in the classroom.

Educators teach for many reasons, but none are more important than the students themselves. While many factors go into planning an educational trip, school performance tours, and student trips can make a difference in your students’ lives​

Most importantly, it’s a learning experience for teachers as well as an educational one for students rewarding experience.

Got a passion for education? Check out my free guides to help you go beyond classroom teaching and engage your students like never before.

Now, let the fun begin!

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Picture of Joe Navarro
Joe Navarro

Joe is the founder of Exceptional Teachers Network, a community where the best school teachers gather together to share their knowledge and learn new skills.

He is also a consultant at Interactive Studies where he helps school teachers make a profound difference using the latest education and music performance travel experiences.